Music Therapy and Alzheimer’s

If you’re skeptical about the power music has to help some seniors overcome effects of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, watch “Alive Inside
and see if you maintain the same perspective afterwards.

Music Therapy-Piano

The video shows Henry, a gentleman with little apparent recollection and normally little to say, come alive while listening to the music he used to love. Not only does he remember the music and sing along with flair, but he’s able to discuss the music and what it means to him in a manner giving no clue of his difficulties before music was reintroduced to his life. What you see in the video is an absolute transformation–and reports attesting to the transformative power of music are becoming more and more common.

No one knows exactly why this is so. But an explanation offered by neurologist Oliver Sacks in a  Huffington Post report on music therapy for individuals with Alzheimer’s and other dementias is as compelling as any.

According to Dr. Sacks, “Music imprints itself on the brain deeper than any other human experience. Music evokes emotion and can bring with it memory.”

Think about it. What do you remember best about your teenage years? Is it something a math or science teacher told you? I didn’t think so. Do you remember your first summer job? I remember mine–a bit. I suspect your memory is a bit foggy there, too. But chances are you remember–as I do–the words of many songs you haven’t heard in decades. If you had to sing them now, you could. You connected with those songs decades ago, and they’ve never really left you.

Just watch many seniors come to life when they sing karaoke, and you’ll know what I mean. Music touches deep and its imprint remains far longer than we’re aware.

Music  can be a powerful tool in restoring memory and in helping connect a person to what he or she once was.

In the hands of a trained music therapist, it can be even more potent–and the good news is that Medicare Part B helps pay for such therapy when it’s recommended by a health care professional.

It’s even better news that a Medicare supplement  or Medicare Advantage plan can help cover music therapy costs that Medicare Part B doesn’t. Music therapy is a powerful tool that ought to be available to seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, and, fortunately,  this is generally the case.

Contact MedicareMall now and we’ll make it our priority to see you get the health care coverage you need.

Does music have the power to “take you back”? Does it have a restorative effect on you? If so, please leave a message telling us about it!

Music Therapy and Alzheimer’s © 2012