Medigap Plan G

Information Provided by a Medicare Supplement Insurance Representative

Medicare with Plan G

The chart below describes the common Medicare benefits along with gaps left by Medicare for you to pay.

Part A (Hosptial Insurance)
I. In patient Gap (you pay) Plan G
days 1-60 deductible* ✔ Paid
days 61-90 life time reserve coinsurance ✔ Paid
days 91-150 coinsurance ✔ Paid
after 150 days Medicare quits paying next 365 paid in full ✔ Paid
II. Skilled Nursing Gap (you pay) Plan G
Medicare pays 20 days in full
days 21-100 ✔ Paid
Part B (Medical Insurance)
Gap (you pay) Plan G
Annual Deductible ✖ Not Paid
Medicare Covers 80% 20% ✔ Paid
Part B Excess 100% ✔ Paid
$50,000 emergency medical outside USA $250.00 deductible 80/20 ✔ Paid

*The hospital benefit period is reset by Medicare 60 days from your previous hospital release date.

The closest thing to the ever so popular Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan F. The Medicare Supplement Plan G has proven to be a good alternative to the Medicare Supplement Plan F. The only difference between the two plans is the Medicare Supplement Plan G does not pay the Medicare Part B (Medical) deductible. This plan is designed to cover all of the high risk gaps that are not covered by Original Medicare. Like the Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan F this plan has proven to be a good tool for those who want to budget their annual healthcare cost. The comprehensive coverage offered by the Medicare Supplement Plan G is designed to leave you the insured with only the annual Medicare Part B (Medical) deductible to pay. You must pay close attention to the annual cost difference because of the Medicare Part B (Medical) deductible.

Medicare Supplement Plan G includes basic benefits which include:

  • Hospitalization: Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end.
  • Medical Expenses: Medicare Part B coinsurance (generally 20% of Medicare-approved expenses) or copayments for hospital outpatient services. Plans K, L, and N require insured to pay a portion of Part B coinsurance or copayments.
  • Blood: First 3 pints of blood each year. Hospice: Part A coinsurance.

Hospice Care will be included in all Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans as of June 2010.

Medicare Supplement Plan G includes coverage for the Medicare Part A (Hospital) but not for the Medicare Part B (Medical) deductible. It also covers any excess costs for Medicare Part B (Medical) costs. The excess can be very important because you would be responsible for the medical bills above the amount approved by Medicare. Even though the Medicare Supplement Plan G does not pay the Medicare Part B (Medical) deductible, it is the only other Medicare Supplement plan that provides the Medicare Part B (Medical) excess benefit coverage.

All plans were standardized by the federal government in 1992 for your protection. This means that you are to go by the letter I.D. of the plan to determine what benefits each plan will cover.

The only 2 things that an insurance company who offers a Medicare Supplement Plan G can have any control of are:

  1. Underwriting
  2. Premium price


We have only briefly touched on one Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, and as you can see it can be very confusing and somewhat overwhelming. We deal with Medicare daily and your Medicare Specialist here at can “Take the Mystery Out of Medicare” by walking you through the maze every step of the way. We are committed to you by shopping the best plans from the top companies available. We will do what it takes to make sure you become a very happy, satisfied client. To find out more if a Medicare Supplement Plan G is right for you, contact a Medigap Plan Representative now or talk to one of our licensed Medicare Specialists by entering your zip code and clicking the ‘Go’ button.


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