Nine Surefire Ways to Enrich Your Retirement

4.  Go back to work.

Do you miss rubbing shoulders with coworkers? Then step back into the workforce—on your terms. Are you looking for some extra spending money? A little more stimulation than you’re getting at home? A full-blown challenge? Decide what you want to get out of work, and take a step toward making it happen.

If you’re not interested in beating traffic daily and working full-time, you may simply reestablish old contacts and make yourself available for consulting or helping out on a project from time to time. Maybe you just want to be out in public doing something pleasant and getting paid for it. You’ve already provided for those who depended on you during your working years. Now it’s time to address what you want to get out of work.

5.  Start a business.

Why not? Many seniors do. After all, seniors have more experience than anyone else, and their know-how is second to none. If you’ve got a sufficient retirement income, maybe this is the time to dive into making that special skill or interest of yours a business.

A small business can be as structured or as casual as you want it to be. You can set your own hours and your own rates—and be your own boss. You can set up an office at home or downtown. You probably shouldn’t set your sights too high or pour too much money in until you’ve tested the waters—but there’s no good reason that a business you start shouldn’t be as successful as a business started by someone younger than you.

6.  Get a gym membership.

gym weightsTrue, you can work out at home, but many people try that and fail. Exercising at home is great if you can do it, but a lot of people who decide to limit their workouts to what they can do at home quickly lose interest and fall back into their regular routines. If you’re hoping to spice things up in retirement, it’s important to get out of the home.

At the local gym you’ll have everything you need to build stamina, muscle tone, and endurance. Not only that, you’ll be out meeting people as committed as you are to staying in shape. You’ll have great fun, you’ll feel better, and—by keeping yourself in great condition—you’re likely to save considerably on your healthcare costs.

One thought on “Nine Surefire Ways to Enrich Your Retirement

  1. Write. Many people have done some unique things in their lives and will carry those moments to their grave if they are not preserved. It doesn’t have to be heroic or action filled. Many of the things they did as children will be interesting to today’s generation. Especially if you are a veteran or worked in a fading into history occupation, you owe it to your family to document you life for future generations.

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