Nine Tips for Weight Loss!

6. Cardio

senior cardioThankfully, this one is pretty much a no-brainer. Cardio helps rev your metabolism which in turn, burns fat. Even after you finish a cardio workout, your metabolism will continue to be spiked for a short time. Try incorporating some easy cardio routines a few days a week. Aim for 30 minutes of walking, swimming, or light jogging. Remember to listen to your body and never to push yourself to the point of injury. Cardio is one of the best ways to burn overall fat from your body. Though toning exercises such as crunches do help to build muscle, only burning fat will help to reveal the muscle that you’ve built.

7. Core

senior core strength workoutNot only are core work-outs are vital to your overall health and well being, but they also can help you to appear thinner by building muscle in your abdominal region and back. Exercises such as yoga and pilates can help to sculpt your stomach and build lean muscle. A healthy core contributes to better balance and can help prevent a multitude of back and spinal issues. lists a few core exercises for seniors here:

8. Balance

senior balanceLike anything else in your life, incorporating fitness as a part of your lifestyle shouldn’t be overwhelming. Though it is good to be fitness-minded, never allow becoming fit to contribute to your stress levels. View fitness as a lifestyle rather than a short-term change — this will help you to become less overwhelmed. Instead of dreading each work out, I’ve started to see working out and fitness as a haven from the stress of my day.

As the days progress and you start working on your fitness goals, you’ll find that not only are you dropping pounds, but your mental and emotional health will also improve.


9. Sodium

saltCut Sodium. Though there’s no one food that is necessarily the culprit as far as weight gain and water retention, sodium does play a very big role in the expansion of our waistlines. Sodium causes your body to retain water, which in turn boosts the number you see on the scale. Learn how to recognize sodium on food labels and steer clear of foods that are high in sodium. Some foods, such as french fries, are obvious culprits, but many of the foods we consume every day also contribute to a spike in sodium levels.

High sodium levels can also lead to high blood pressure, so cutting back sodium has more benefits than simply dropping pounds.

 As the holidays approach, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not only will your health improve, but your friends and family will also marvel at the changes — both physical and emotional — that you display. Remember, a fit lifestyle can also contribute to fewer health issues which can help lower your medical costs. In addition to incorporating these eight fitness tips into your life, think about the benefits of purchasing a Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement Plan.

 What are your plans for the holidays? How do you hope to incorporate fitness into your life over the next two months?

Nine Tips for Weight Loss! © 2012